In Conversation With Boinc’s Adam Kidron

Here is the video of my conversation yesterday with the CEO and founder of the forthcoming music service Boinc.  We discuss a number of things, including:

  • the state of digital music
  • Facebook’s potential impact on the space
  • reestablishing value in music
  • addressing the emerging market challenge

Adam also shares his vision for the music industry annd his concept of ‘creating an API around the entirity of music’.

Take a look and let me know your thoughts and comments.

1 thought on “In Conversation With Boinc’s Adam Kidron

  1. Boinc is a bad choice of names. There is already BOINC (Berkeley Opensource Initiative for Network Computing) which is very popular in cyberspace . See for details.

    Too bad Adam didn’t Google the name before settling on Boinc. I imagine there will be some litigation launched to persuade him to choose a different name. It would be nice if he just changed it now and saved everybody, including himself, a lot of grief.

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